المؤتمر المشترك برعاية نقابة الأطباء بنغازي

المؤتمر السابع للجمعية الليبية اللأمراض الجلدية والتجميل

المؤتمر السادس للجمعية الليبيــة لجراحــة الحــروق والتجمــيـــل

برعاية مركز بنغازي الطبي

7th Libyan Soceity of Dermatology and Aestheics Confrenece

6th Libyan Soceity of Burns and Plastic Surgery Conference

Together for a better dermatologic and surgical aesthetic health services

"تحت شعار معاً لاجل خدمات صحية و جراحة تجميلية أفضل"

Meeting ID: 824 9197 4180
Passcode: 15234

الافتتاح يوم الجمعة الموافق 2024/05/24 على الساعة 4 مساءاً بمركز بنغازي الطبي بمدرج بنغازي

Conference goals

1) Joint cooperation between Libyan society of dermatology and aesthetics and Libyan society of  burns and plastic surgery. 

2) Scientific and practical communication between doctors in dermatology and plastic surgery  through  their profession in the hospitals , workshops, and medical conferences organisations.

3) Organisation of practice in aesthetics and setting professional standards  in coordination 

with Libyan medical syndicate, ministry of health and other related authorities.

4) Keep scientific updat in diagnosis and medical therapies and management.

5) Joint cooperation with medical faculties at Libyan universities and Arabic societies and leagues of dermatology and plastic surgery.

Conference themes

1) General lectures in dermatology and plastic surgery .

 2) Participation of  teaching staff of Libyan universities , consultants, specialists, doctors, postgraduates, and Libyan &Arab board candidates with scientific papers and researches.

 3) Lectures in dermatology, plastic surgery and aesthetics by distinguished speakers from Arab  and European countries.

4) Workshops in aesthetics  by  distinguished and professional national and international visitors.

5) Round table discussion with national and international experts , Libyan medical syndicate, ministry of health and legal authorities about setting of legal, scientific and professional aesthetic medicine standards .


- للتواصـــل مع المؤتمر
- اللجنة العلمية للمؤتمر
- اللجنـــة التحضيرية للمؤتمر
- رئيـــس المؤتمر
هاتف : 376086 91 218+